
Published on:

10th Oct 2023

TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH | Royal Marines Veteran & Triple Amputee Mark Ormrod MBE

Mark Ormrod MBE, a former Royal Marine Commando, became the first triple amputee from the Afghan campaign after surviving an IED blast that resulted in the loss of both his legs below the knees and his right arm above the elbow. Despite enduring a lengthy and painful rehabilitation, Mark has showcased remarkable physical prowess, earning accolades such as Invictus Games gold medals and an MBE for his services to the Royal Marines and Veterans. Currently, Mark is deeply involved in rehabilitation and fundraising initiatives. He serves as a trustee for Re-Org charity, an organisation that employs Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and functional fitness to assist service men & women and first responders in coping with their physical and emotional injuries. Follow This Podcast To Be Notified Of New Episodes, Visit Our Social Media Platforms & YouTube Channel For More Bonus Content, And Listen Live To Our Radio Station: Listen Live: https://www.forceradio.live/ Visit Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@forceradiohq

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The Debrief with Big Phil Campion
Join Former 22 SAS Trooper Big Phil Campion As He Interviews Serving & Veteran Military Personnel, First Responders, Elite Sportsmen & Inspirational Figures From Across The Globe. New Episodes Every Week.

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Scott Rendell